When it comes to events, branding and aesthetics are essential factors to consider. Nobody wants an event marred by unsightly trash cans. That's where Custom Banner Lab’s Custom Logo Trash Can Covers come to the rescue! Trash can covers not only offer practical benefits but also provide an opportunity to elevate your branding and event ambiance.

Still not using trash can covers for your events? Here are some reasons why you should start now:


When you look at trash cans from a marketing perspective, they are a blank canvas! Here are three compelling ways these covers can be leveraged for marketing purposes:

Subtle Brand Reinforcement

Visual Continuity: Custom printed trash can covers can maintain the aesthetic integrity of an event by seamlessly integrating with the event's theme or the company's branding. By using the same color schemes, logos, and design elements on these covers as on other marketing materials, companies can create a cohesive and immersive brand experience. This subtle reinforcement helps keep the brand top-of-mind without being overtly promotional.

Strategic Placement for Maximum Exposure

High Traffic, High Visibility: Trash cans are placed throughout event venues, often in high-traffic areas. Custom covers turn these utilitarian objects into strategic advertising spots. Companies can capitalize on the repetitive exposure as guests repeatedly pass by or use the trash receptacles. This strategy ensures that the brand remains visible from all angles of the venue, maximizing the company's presence without the need for additional signage or banners.

Interactive Marketing Platform

Engagement Opportunities: Beyond mere logos and colors, custom printed trash can covers can be designed to engage event-goers. They can feature QR codes that lead to exclusive content, social media details encouraging digital interaction, or even augmented reality triggers that bring the company's message to life through smartphones. By transforming a passive object into an interactive experience, companies can deepen engagement, encourage social sharing, and create memorable touch points with attendees.


Customization is key in today's world, and your event should reflect your unique identity. Custom Trash Can Covers offer a fantastic opportunity to showcase your brand, school, military branch, organization, or sports team. Here's how:

Brand Promotion

Our logo trash can covers allow you to proudly display your logo, slogan, or any other branding elements. This not only reinforces your brand's visibility but also adds a touch of professionalism and sophistication to your event. Your trash cans become an advertising canvas that leaves a lasting impression on attendees.

Easy Identification

Differentiate your recycling bins, metal or aluminum-only cans, and plastic receptacles with custom covers. It's a practical way to ensure that attendees dispose of their waste correctly. Plus, it enhances the overall organization of your event, making it more user-friendly.


Finally, aesthetics matter when it comes to event planning. An uncovered trash can receptacle can be an eyesore that detracts from the overall ambiance. Custom Banner Lab’s logo trash can covers offer a solution:

Refinement and Elegance

Our high-quality spandex trash can covers can add a touch of refinement and elegance to your event setting. These covers effortlessly disguise traditional trash bins, transforming them into stylish accessories that blend seamlessly with the display. The result is a more visually appealing and pleasant atmosphere.


Our stretchy polyester covers conform perfectly to your bins, creating a smooth, wrinkle-free surface. This attention to detail ensures your event space looks polished and professional, leaving a positive impression on your guests.

Ready to Elevate Your Next Event?

Transform your event space, promote your brand, and ensure a clean and polished appearance with our Logo Trash Can Covers. Elevate your next event with this functional and marketing-savvy solution.

When you order from us, we'll allow you to personalize your Trash Can Covers with your company logo.

Design a Custom Logo Trash Can Cover.